Monday, 17 August 2015


Like you, like me and all the others, the current generation and even dogs take a sigh when they see a luxurious car. It has come to a state where people do not care how they accumulate money because that is what gives people respect in the eyes of the generation. This unfortunate instance has sailed on and it is making the youth in Africa cry out for money like never before but has clearly be seen that desires without purposes, plans, goals and achievements come to nothing. People would want a massive net worth but do not have the plans to get to their destination.

It is not surprising to see the act of getting something for nothing thriving on our continent. People want to give out notes for bigger notes in the space of two or three days without planning for massive breakthroughs which would see them churn out a sustained form of livelihood. People in Africa value and respect someone who come from overseas to an individual who has lived on the continent and has swam against the tide and goes with the phrase earn your worth. For a few dollars more, they get the chance of hanging out and engaging in relationships with numerous people because they can feed them for a number of days. People only think about money and success today but not success all their lives.
Looking at men of faith, people who burn the midnight candle and have become theologians who study in order to reveal the true revelations to help Africans out of the shades that resembles the colour of their skin and see light, pastoral work has been forced to become a lucrative business.
Nowadays a man who has been born to serve people makes the efforts to serve people and take them to the platform of salvation but then influences from people who are so close mostly relatives and friends who do not know the purpose for which made him that way forces him to adopt to the current order of the world and gradually becomes rich instead of being someone who was not lacking but had something small for basic subsistence and something which could have in part or large benefit the poor. 

 Honesty brings about a lot of self-worth and self-worth brings about a lot of richness. Net worth is just like success, the world has a way of defining it but above all as humans we are who we are not by what we have but what we are within so give yourself a chance so that self-worth would flow through you and net worth would soon follow.

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